Dear "LC",

Looks like you had a good ole time in Mexico...
Good thing Kristen was busy with other hot boys so Stephen could make it. Just a heads up... from the scenes foreshadowing the rest of this season, I think you may regret going South of the Border and letting Stephen go South of your Border... cause he's totally gonna get cozy with Kristen again. You should stop following him around like a puppy and giving him the poon... cause he's totally taking advantage of it. Gotta go, I'm going to have a pity party for you right now.
ps, he called Kristen from the hotel room before he bonked you
pps, you're coming across as very pathetic
I could literally talk about this show from Dawn until Dusk. I *heart* Jessica (new obsession- she's breaking up with Jason soon- I can tell from the season-preview which I saw like 500 times)! -Andy Butler
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