Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Kate Moss on Cocaine.....

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Um, DUH!

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This is a picture of her saying "How in bloody hell else did you all think I stayed so fucking skinny"

No really, surprise, surprise everyone... the girl who tokened the term "heroin chic" is on drugs.

Friday, August 26, 2005

E! True Hollywood Story: Blossom

To be perfectly honest, I haven't thought about Blossom in years. Its not on re-run.... and it was never that (any) good.... But now that I saw the True Hollywood Story, I can't stop thinking about Mayim Bialik. I mean, you thought she was frightening then....
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Thats NOTHING! She has completely let herself go... I think I heard something about the work she's doing and how she may save the world... but I couldn't hear over the gasping Aaron and I were doing about her wretched appearance. Here's an idea of what I mean.....
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It doesn't even do justice to the frumpiness that is Mayim Bialik.
So, most of the characters of Blossom are not doing anything anymore.... Mayim is starring as Kirstie Alley's annoying neighbor on the show "Fat Actress"... which I'm sure is a huge hit. Let's get serious... no one wants to watch fat and/or annoying people on TV. The Blossom Dad is really the only one who has any career... I guess he's a big time director of other shows. Good going Mr. Russo..
Then we have Six.. Blossom's fellow bad hat wearing best friend played by Jenna Von Oy.
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Sooooo cheesy.
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I mean, really.WTF?
Jenna went on to star in "The Parkers". I real gem I'm sure. But apparently, cheesy is in on the set of "The Parkers".
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I bet if you read the bio of the girl in the middle, it says:

I <3
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I'm getting off topic....
Bottom line, try to catch the re-run on E!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Leave it to Angelina.....

... to adopt an Ethiopian baby who has the same lips as she does....

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Someone get these girls some lip balm... they're both lookin a little flaky!

I know you may think my blog is Laguna Beach overkill...

...but I could care less. A few new points:

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If little Jean Benet Ramsey hadn't met her untimely death.....

She'd be Casey! Laguna's pageant girl extraordinaire!

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And as for your prom dress choice... Sheryl Crowe already flopped that number.

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Shit is UGLY.

I also came across this on the internet... and had myself a good laugh.

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Thanks to the TVGasm blog for giving us all a chuckle at Casey's expense.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Dear Brit,

I don't know why everyone thinks you gained so much... looks to me like you were already packin' before!


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I do think we could've done without the starfish nipples on your engorged breasts.

Dear "LC",

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Looks like you had a good ole time in Mexico...
Good thing Kristen was busy with other hot boys so Stephen could make it. Just a heads up... from the scenes foreshadowing the rest of this season, I think you may regret going South of the Border and letting Stephen go South of your Border... cause he's totally gonna get cozy with Kristen again. You should stop following him around like a puppy and giving him the poon... cause he's totally taking advantage of it. Gotta go, I'm going to have a pity party for you right now.

ps, he called Kristen from the hotel room before he bonked you

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pps, you're coming across as very pathetic

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

We all love Laguna Beach...

Perhaps not as much as I do.... But a point I need to make is:

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I mean, did Marcia Brady and Christine Taylor somehow make a baby? Its a miracle.

Need more convincing? Done:

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For reals.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


This is Jude Law's mistress....

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Way to go, Jude. Really.

Now let's look at the fashionista goddess known as Sienna Miller...

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To read Nanny Daisy Wright's account of the affair... click here....

GROSS. And please don't use the expression 'cool cucumber'Image hosted by Photobucket.com

This soooo made my day........

The cover of New York Magazine...FRIGHTENING
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The article is fantastic. Read it: Celebrity Psychos: The Summer They All Went Mad

Dear Tom Cruise,
You are engaged to the spawn of Satan. Oh wait, you are Satan.
ps. I hate you, Katie, and the kids you may have together in the future.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Dear Sean, (maybe Shawn?)

We met at Russell's BBQ.... (fate) and you told me you read Pink is the new.. I'm hoping you remembered to check J.G.R... and therefore get this letter. You seemed familiar so I am convinced you know someone I know. But more importantly, we are obviously meant to be friends. Picture me and you, wearing Hermes head scarves...
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in this..
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With plenty of vintage luggage in the back seat...
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Empty, of course.. (so as to create the illusion of a fabulous and spur-of-the-moment road trip)
Please contact me so we can make this happen.
P.S. To top it all off...thisImage hosted by Photobucket.com in thisImage hosted by Photobucket.com